Sunday, April 29, 2012

Trilogy Hint #2

According to the flexible outline I developed months ago, there will be about fifteen chapters – give or take – in the first book of my upcoming but as-yet-unnamed trilogy.

I just started writing chapter ten this morning. I'm sort of getting a bit giddy, to be honest, as the pre-plotted ends approaches. When I began the book last November, I had no idea it would progress in storyline and volume as quickly as it has. Some might think six months is not quick enough, but emerging twists for scenes and dialogue have kept me going back to fill in a few of the blanks.

I've also prepped a brief press release, which should be coming to light sometime in May.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Trilogy Hint #1

I just gathered gobs of research material about Boston in regards to my upcoming but as-yet-unnamed trilogy. It's the only hint I can give for now…

I hope to provide more details before June, but in the meantime little clues here and there will have to do.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Midnight Churnings

The strangest thing happened to me last Friday. I was working on the first book in my new-but-as-yet-unnamed trilogy – a long day which began around four in the morning and started winding down around ten at night – when I suddenly received a spurt of inspiration for the second story in the trilogy. I was dead-tired, with a splitting headache to boot, but rather than crawl off to bed I created a new document and began putting my inspiration to text.

I already know how all three books will begin and end in my head, but so far have only been writing steadily on the first story. Switching gears to start work on the second book is out of character for me, but I decided to go with the flow. Needless to say, my long day grew even longer but before I knew it I had the first chapter written for Book #2.

"Before I knew it" is a relative term, actually, because I didn't hit the hay until well after two in the morning - two hours short of being up and adam for twenty-four hours. May the saints preserve me!

However, I'm very happy with the results of my "sudden" inspiration for Book #2.  It makes me all the more eager to continue and finish all three stories, sleep be damned…

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Writing Habits

When I began developing my new-but-as-yet-unnamed trilogy last November, I wasn't sure it would go beyond the planning stage even after I created a general outline. The premise of the story is based on a dream I've frequently experienced over the last few years, which has rarely varied in its appearance.  While I don't entertain every story idea that pops into my head, I try to keep track of random thoughts just in case they grow larger in substance from my jotted post-it notes and scribbles on the back of envelopes.

"Book One" in the new trilogy is nearing the halfway mark, so I hope to have a completed first draft before summertime. As is my habit, I handwrite at night (on quadrille paper) and then input my notes during the day. I'm not a natural typist, so I find my quirky writing habits the easiest way in which to manage content.  In addition, typing from my notes sometimes gives me new ideas for the story as I go or makes obvious necessary cuts (ouch!) that need to be made. There must be a method to my madness, because the specific writing process has always worked quite well for me.

Another strange habit of mine is to create characters which seem to have no place in the storyline at first, but as my writing progresses their function suddenly becomes very clear. It's as if their purpose is settled into the back of my brain for a reason, which only becomes evident as I move the story along. I know it sounds odd, but creative epiphanies have always happened that way for me whether it's for character development or storyline details.

I'm not normally a big fan of science fiction or supernatural genres as a whole, but my new trilogy does contain elements of the unknown. They are not necessarily other-worldly in the sense of their appearance, yet they are part of the main character's oft-had dreams that insinuate themselves into the first storyline. Her experiences have a domino effect, which flow over into the second and third books in the trilogy.

I realize I'm being a tad vague about the new trilogy, but I'm not ready to reveal too much just yet – at least not before I finish the first story. As I said before, the books will not be as lengthy as the novels found in the Collective Obsessions Saga. The trilogy titles will probably run 200-300 pages per book, which is definitely short-fiction to me.

Time will tell. As with all fiction works, it's not over until the final manuscript gets a seal of approval. Anything can happen from now until then…